The benefits of membership of the Association of Bereavement Service Coordinators include:
- opportunity to attend ABSCo's annual conference at reduced cost
- opportunity to attend a programme of online workshops provided by ABSCo free to ABSCo members
- opportunity to network with other ABSCo members, regionally and nationally, to:
- share information, knowledge, skills, ideas and experience with other bereavement coordinators from a variety of hospice settings
- give and receive support
- network and hear about local developments
- keep abreast of national initiatives
- influence the role of ABSCo and its voice in national initiatives and developments
- opportunity to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting
- updates from the executive and from the national bereavement alliance
- opportunities to participate in the work and business of the association
- an online forum where ABSCo members can request and share information and resources as well as give and receive support.
For those who joined after 1st April 2020, membership runs for 12 months from date of joining. (Membership formerly ran from 1st April - 31st March).
Annual membership is currently £40 per year for Full and Associate members.
Discounted membership is currently £30.00 for any subsequent individual who shares the responsibility of coordinating or managing bereavement services within the organisation.
Associate membership is open to any individual who has experience of coordinating or managing bereavement support services in a hospice or palliative care setting but who no longer performs this role. Associate members will not be afforded voting rights but will be entitled to all other benefits of full membership. All membership fees are reviewed yearly.